Hot Links
In order to facilitate time management practices and preserve district resources, 3 week progress reports for the junior high/high school campus will now be posted to the parent portal. If a student receives a failing grade in a class, the report will also be mailed home.
Friday Night's Football game will be broadcast on KGAS internet radio
High School Homecoming Dress Up Days
Monday - Whether Hillbilly or Hippie - Cats will get a VICTORY
Tuesday - Keep It Real, Cats! - Favorite TV/Cartoon Character
Wednesday - Bearcats Will Have A Good Season! - Rhyme without Reason
Thursday- Be Humble - Represent your Favorite Teacher or Staff member
Friday - Aint No Party Like A Bearcat Party! - BLUE OUT for the HOCO Pep Rally!
Senior Highlights
If your child needs to take medication at school, please bring the medication AND a Doctor's note/prescription, including for over-the-counter medications.
Health records:
Please keep your child's Emergency Information up-to-date. Contact the school nurse of any health changes, new diagnosis, chronic illness, or health concerns that may arise.
Job Openings
Beckville ISD is accepting applications for the following positions:
AskTED is the online Texas Education Directory. Access AskTED by selecting AskTED from Popular Applications in the dark blue menu on the TEA web page. TEA employees, school districts, and the general public use AskTED to find contact information and create mailing labels for Texas public schools, districts and education service centers.
Safe Firearm Storage Information and Resources
As required by Texas Education Code Section 37.222 (House Bill 3, Section 19), the Texas School Safety Center, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety, is providing each school district and open-enrollment charter school information and other resources regarding the safe storage of firearms, including information on section 46.13 of the Texas Penal Code. Districts must provide this information to the parent or guardian of each student enrolled in the district or school. The TxSSC recommends districts provide this information at least twice annually - at the beginning and end of the school year.